Bevagna Digital Fest
4 - 7 July - Bevagna
Social Hackathon Umbria

Discover #SHU2024

The first Social Hackathon in Umbria
4-7 July

4 days of events between innovation and digital fun

The Social Hackathon Umbria 2024 (#SHU2024) is organised by the European Grants International Academy (EGInA), in collaboration with the Istituto Superiore di Sanità - Centro Nazionale Malattie Rare (National Centre for Rare Diseases) and the Crowddreaming Hackadmy Lab Foligno 4D (CRHACK LAB F4D), and aims to develop the digital skills of young people through a preparatory training for participation in a Hackathon that intends to promote the co-creation of innovative digital solutions to support individuals and Civil Society Organisations in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the United Nations 2030 Agenda.

#SHU2024 envisages a four-day Hackathon, Workshops, Exhibitions and Laboratories, from 4 to 7 July 2024 in the splendid setting of the medieval village of Bevagna, a perfect synthesis of good living typical of the Umbria Region. More than 300 participants from all over the world will share their views on three thematic areas related to wellbeing: physical, mental and social. In the coming weeks we will select the most relevant ideas to be developed by teams of up to 8 members led by an experienced team manager. During the 48-hour hackathon, teams will be able to create a pitch, prototype or product to present in front of a panel of experts.

  • Challenges

    of digital co-creation for the implementation of innovative digital solutions to promote wellbeing in all its forms

  • development projects

    selected on the basis of criteria of innovation, impact, feasibility and transferability.

  • Side events

    organised during the 4-day Hackathon to learn about the world of technological and digital innovation linked to sustainable development


    granted to participants to develop one of the selected projects.


#SHU2024 aims to develop the digital skills of young people and adults through preparatory training for a hackathon to co-create innovative digital solutions that promote wellbeing in all its forms and facilitate the achievement of the UN 2030 Agenda's Sustainable Development Goals.

The hackathon is the main event of SHU2024 and will see teams of 8-10 participants, coordinated by an expert mentor, confront each other through the co-creation of digital solutions and projects that respond to the three thematic challenges linked by the keyword: WELLBEING

To participate in SHU2024, projects must focus on any type of digital service or product (e.g. Apps, Web Portals, Digital Games, etc.), refer to one or more SDGs, and promote at least one of the following dimensions of wellbeing:
Physical Wellbeing

Propose a digital solution that supports lifestyle choices and behaviors related to rest, balanced diet, physical activity, hygiene, and relaxation to achieve optimal functioning.

Mental Wellbeing

Propose a digital solution that helps reduce risk, build resilience, and create supportive environments for mental health by overcoming language barriers and enabling creative processes.

Social Wellbeing

Propose a digital solution that supports individuals and organizations to share, develop and sustain meaningful relationships with others for a more equitable, inclusive and diverse society.


Chiostro di San Domenico, Corso Matteotti, Bevagna
From 9.30 to 12.30 and from 16.30 to 19.00

come visit the stands of the Wellbeing Village and participate in the events and workshops below! Every day, from 11.00 to 12.30, you can participate in the "Art for Health!" prize game organised by the “Health Humanities Laboratory of the Italian National Institute of Health” and win fantastic gadgets!

Age does not matter: from 0 to 99 years old... We are waiting for you!



#SHU2024 is not just a Hackathon... discover the Workshops, Events and Seminars we have organised for you!


Learn about the magic of animation filmmaking


  • Hours > 9.30 - 13.00
  • Venue > Chiostro di San Domenico (Sala Mevania)
  • Workshop conducted in English by animators from Primanima Animation (HU)
Register online


Create a multicultural salad with zero food miles


  • Hours > 11.00 - 12.30
  • Venue > Chiostro di San Domenico
  • Bilingual workshop to explore and share culinary traditions from around the world!
Register online


Broaden your musical horizons and achieve a deeper connection with world music


  • Hours > 18.00 - 19.30
  • Venue > Chiostro di San Domenico
  • Enhance your fine motor skills, rhythm, creativity, collaboration, and self-confidence
Register online


How to effectively communicate with our dog?


  • Hours > 9.30 - 11.00
  • Venue > Chiostro di San Domenico
  • Explore the language of the animal world and meet Nicole's four-legged friends


Come and find out what a Social Hackathon is all about


  • Hours > 15.00 - 17.00
  • Venue > Secondaria di I grado "C. Trabalza"
  • An adult HoverBoard and two Smart Gardens raffled among all participants
Book the tour


Co-design of an inclusive public space


  • Hours > 16.30 - 18.00
  • Venue > Chiostro di San Domenico
  • Learn Tactical Urbanism techniques for the co-design of a quality public space
Register online

Choose your robot, learn how to program it and challenge your friends in the fantastic obstacle courses... FREE ADMISSION!!!
WHERE: Largo Antonio Gramsci, Porta Todi @ Bevagna
WHEN: Friday 7 and Saturday 8 July / from 10:00 to 18:00

Robot Arena


Check out the competing projects at #SHU2024!
  • YESSS, Social Sustainability Strategies for Youth

    YESSS, Social Sustainability Strategies for Youth
    2024 Progetti
  • IN-SALADS: short food supply multicultural chain

    Partendo dalla valorizzazione delle ricette di insalate multiculturali realizzate nel contesto del progetto Erasmus+ In-Salads, il nostro progetto intende sviluppare una webApp e una comunità di pratica online per la promozione della sostenibilità nel campo del cibo e della nutrizione, attraverso la diversificazione delle coltivazioni in luoghi in cui sono presenti minoranze culturali legate a deteriminati prodotti ortofrutticoli, garantendone un consumo costante e la loro diffusione nella comunità locale.

    Starting from the valorisation of the multicultural salad recipes created in the context of the Erasmus+ In-Salads project, our project intends to develop a webApp and an online community of practice for the promotion of sustainability in the field of food and nutrition, through the diversification of cultivation in places where there are cultural minorities linked to certain fruit and vegetables, ensuring their constant consumption and dissemination in the local community.

    IN-SALADS: short food supply multicultural chain
    2024 Progetti
  • Vocazione pedonale: mappe percettive per Bevagna

    Il progetto si inscrive nel contesto della mappatura urbana, utile ad identificare percorsi di accessibilità estesa che possano valorizzare il patrimonio culturale ed artistico del paese di Bevagna. Attraverso l’esplorazione critica del territorio, il nostro team restituirà delle mappe percettive sui percorsi rilvanti del centro storico di Bevagna e uno strumento digitale finalizzato a raccogliere input per il miglioramento dell’accessibilità dei suddetti luoghi.

    The project is part of urban mapping, useful to identify extended accessibility routes that can enhance the cultural and artistic heritage of the town of Bevagna. Through the critical exploration of the territory, our team will return perceptive maps of the relvant routes in the historical centre of Bevagna and a digital tool aimed at collecting input for the improvement of the accessibility of the aforementioned places

    Vocazione pedonale: mappe percettive per Bevagna
    2024 Progetti
  • Tacuinum 2.0: Nuovi Strumenti, Antichi Saperi

    Il progetto “Tacuinum 2.0” ruota intorno al Tacuinum Sanitatis di Bevagna, un manuale di buone pratiche per la salute risalente al XIV secolo, arrivato a Bevagna alla fine dell’Ottocento. Utilizzando una web App costruita collettivamente, il progetto punta a rendere accessibile il corpus di conoscenze e ad integrarlo con le risorse culturali e naturali del territorio, creando un percorso didattico incentrato sul benessere e digitalmente aumentato attraverso le tecnologie immersive.

    The ‘Tacuinum 2.0’ project revolves around Bevagna’s Tacuinum Sanitatis, a manual of good health practices dating back to the 14th century, which arrived in Bevagna in the late 19th century. Using a collectively built web App, the project aims to make the body of knowledge accessible and to integrate it with the cultural and natural resources of the territory, creating a didactic path focused on wellbeing and digitally augmented through immersive technologies.

    Tacuinum 2.0: Nuovi Strumenti, Antichi Saperi
    2024 Progetti

    La creazione di un portale online che raccolga in un unico luogo tutte le organizzazioni e i media/portali che combattono e rivelano le fake news da tutti gli ambiti nella Repubblica della Macedonia settentrionale e, perché no, lo espanda anche alla regione dei Balcani occidentali, in quanto regione piuttosto sensibile e bersagliata dalle fake news.

    The creation of an online portal that gathers in a single place all the organizations and mediums/portals that fight and reveal fake news from all spheres in the Republic of Northern Macedonia, and why not then expand it to the Western Balkans region as well, as a region that is quite sensitive and targeted by fake news.
    2024 Progetti

    Il nostro progetto intende sviluppare una App che possa fornire assistenza sociale e benssere in modo più veloce, facile e umano. DAR significa “dare”, DAR DAR vuol dire “dare di più e in modo più facile e veloce”. La App e il portale collegato potenzieranno le nostre attività mettendo in connessione i mediatori digitali, gli operatori sociali e la comunità locale, attraverso un modello di social care delivery dove il benessere delle persone è al centro e tutti possono contribuire.

    Our project aims to develop an App that can provide social and welfare assistance in a faster, easier and more humane way. DAR means ‘give’, DAR DAR means ‘give more and easier and faster’. The App and the connected portal will enhance our activities by connecting digital mediators, social workers and the local community through a social care delivery model where people’s well-being is at the centre and everyone can contribute.

    2024 Progetti
  • Descarboniza

    Descarboniza è uno strumento digitale progettato per identificare i sistemi e i materiali da costruzione sostenibili, riducendo l’impatto ambientale. Consente di confrontare con cognizione di causa i materiali innovativi con quelli convenzionali. L’obiettivo è quello di mettere in contatto le organizzazioni che offrono servizi di compensazione delle emissioni di anidride carbonica con i privati e le aziende del settore dell’architettura, facilitando il calcolo e la mitigazione dell’impronta di carbonio dei progetti edilizi e promuovendo i materiali ecologici.

    Descarboniza is a digital tool designed to identify sustainable construction systems and materials, reducing environmental impact. It enables informed comparisons between innovative and conventional materials. The aim is to connect organizations offering carbon offset services with individuals and companies in architecture, facilitating the calculation and mitigation of construction projects’ carbon footprints, promoting ecological materials.

    2024 Progetti
  • CIAPE – Centro Italiano per l’Apprendimento Permanente

    Il progetto intende sviluppare un self-assessment digitale basato sulle 9 dimensioni che formano il Manifesto della Pedagogia del Bello già elaborato da CIAPE (Relazione, Ascolto, Emozione, Esplorazione, Inclusione, Equilibrio, Unicità, Cura, Bellezza) al fine di rappresentare visivamente la performance dell’utente rispetto a ciascuna dimensione. Il feedback si sostanzierà in un logo dinamico, geolocalizzato all’interno di un portale che permetta di promuovere ed estendere la rete degli Ambasciatori della Pedagogia del Bello su base nazionale, per lo sviluppo di progetti ed iniziative a supporto della crescita e del benessere sociale generale.

    The project intends to develop a digital self-assessment based on the 9 dimensions that make up the Manifesto of the Pedagogy of Beauty already elaborated by CIAPE (Relation, Listening, Emotion, Exploration, Inclusion, Balance, Uniqueness, Care, Beauty) in order to visually represent the user’s performance with respect to each dimension. The feedback will take the form of a dynamic, geo-localised logo within a portal to promote and extend the network of Ambassadors of the Pedagogy of Beauty on a national basis, for the development of projects and initiatives to support growth and general social well-being.

    CIAPE – Centro Italiano per l’Apprendimento Permanente
    2024 Progetti
  • A suo tempo!

    La web app “A suo tempo” nasce con l’obiettivo di offrire ai genitori uno strumento conoscitivo ed educativo che li indirizzi nell’osservazione dello sviluppo psicofisico dei loro bambini.
    La piattaforma si propone come una vera e propria guida interattiva, fornendo spunti teorici, risorse e strumenti basati su evidenze scientifiche nel campo della psicologia e della pediatria. Grazie alla web app, i genitori possono accedere ad una serie di contenuti strutturati per età e aree di sviluppo come ad esempio la motricità, il linguaggio, le funzioni cognitive, l’emotività e le competenze sociali.

    The “In His Time” web app was created with the aim of offering parents a cognitive and educational tool to guide them in observing the psychophysical development of their children.
    The platform aims to be a true interactive guide, providing theoretical insights, resources and tools based on scientific evidence in the field of psychology and pediatrics. Through the web app, parents can access a range of content structured by age and developmental areas such as motor, language, cognitive functions, emotionality, and social skills.

    A suo tempo!
    2024 Progetti
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the jury

Digital projects developed during #SHU2024 will be evaluated by
Emma Pietrafesa
Emma Pietrafesa
Researcher and communicator in the field of new technologies, member of Stati Generali dell’Innovazione
Amalia Egle Gentile
Amalia Egle Gentile
Head of the Laboratory of Health Humanities at the Superior Institute of Health
Gilda Esposito
Gilda Esposito
President and co-founder of the University of Florence spin-off MoCa Future Designers
Sabrina Grigolo
Sabrina Grigolo
Erasmus+ Ambassador for EDA and expert patient at EUPATI Academy
Veronica Mobilio
Veronica Mobilio
Head of Research at Fondazione per la Scuola, Compagnia di San Paolo
Alessio di Addezio
Alessio di Addezio
Consultant and teambuilder on issues of Environmental and Social Sustainability
Francesco Marchionni
Francesco Marchionni
Presidential advisor with responsibility for health and well-being of the National Youth Council
Serena Angioli
Serena Angioli
Head of the General Management Area at the National Youth Agency